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Notice on Autumn Semester 2021 Registration for International students of CTGU

2021-08-29 14:51 author:   source:  clicks:


To all CTGU international students,

新学期马上开始了。欢迎大家进入2021秋季学期的学习!The new term will begin soon. We welcome you joining us in the fall semester of 2021!


In accordance with the relevant documents and notification requirements of the Ministry of Education, Hubei Province and CTGU, combined with the territorial pandemic prevention and control requirements and the actual situation of the CTGU, the relevant matters concerning the registration of new semester are hereby notified as follows:


Registration of Senior Students


Category 1: On campus Senior Students


Registration time: September 3-5


Registration Place: International student counselor's office of each college


Registration Requirements: No travel history in medium and high risk areas within 14 days, health code and travel card check normal.


Registration Process:Students should go to the school counselor's office to complete the registration for the new semester, and enter the new semester according to the college's new semester teaching arrangement.


Fee Payment:please pay the fee through scanning the Qr code of “三峡大学学生缴费” or go to the Charge Office (Office 208, 2nd floor, Administration Building) according to the notice of your college.


The login name is the student number and the password is 000000. Students can change the password after log in.


Category 2: Off campus Senior Students in Other Cities of China


Registration time:September 10


Registration Place:International student counselor's office of each college

报到要求Registration Requirements:

1.目前所在地区为境内低风险地区,14天内无中高风险地区旅居史,且健康状况正常,凭健康码绿码、绿色行程卡和48小时内核酸检测阴性证明返校报到。Students who have lived in low-risk areas and have no history of residence in high-risk or medium-risk areas in China and has normal health status within 14 days can return to school and register with the green health code, green itinerary card, and a 48-hour negative nucleic acid test certificate.

2.符合以下情况的学生暂缓报到,与学院保持联系,且须遵从属地疫情防控政策规定配合健康监测、防疫管理等有关工作。待可报到时,另行通知返校。Students who meet the following conditions will be temporarily suspended from returning to school and keep in touch with the college. You should comply with the local pandemic prevention and control policies and regulations to cooperate with health monitoring, pandemic prevention management and other related work. You will be notified to return later when the new registration time will be informed.

a.境内中高风险地区或来校途中经停中高风险地区的学生;Students who are in high-risk or medium-risk areas in China or who stop in high-risk or medium-risk areas;

b.本人或共同居住的家庭成员为确诊病例、核酸检测阳性者、疑似病例、密切接触者的(含新生、老生);Students himself/herself or the family member living together is confirmed case, positive nucleic acid test case, suspected case, or close contact case;

c.有发热、咳嗽、乏力、咽痛、腹泻等症状且排除新冠病毒感染的;Students who has a fever, cough, diarrhea or other symptoms but is excluded of new COVID-19 infection;

报到流程Registration Process:

来自低风险地区且无中高风险地区旅居史的学生,须填写《14天健康状况承诺书》(附件1),并提前向学院提交健康证明材料,待学院审核通过后方可到校;未经学院批准,学生不得擅自到校。证明材料具体为:Students from low-risk areas without travel history in medium-high risk areas should fill in the 14-day Health Status Commitment letter and submit health certification materials to the school in advance. They can come to school only after the school approves them. Students are not allowed to come to school without the permission of the college. The certification materials are as follows:

a. 14天健康状况承诺书the 14-day Health Status Commitment letter

b.14天健康打卡记录the 14-day Health Status record

c.健康码绿码“green code” (health code)

d.绿色行程卡green travel record

e.新冠疫苗完成接种证明proof of completion of COVID-19 vaccination

f.核酸检测阴性结果(到校48小时以内)Acid nucleic test result (within 48 hours before arriving Campus

请同学们在返校前14天,每日向学院辅导员上报个人健康状况和轨迹信息。Students are required to report their personal health status and whereabouts information to the supervisor 14 days before returning to school.


Fee Payment:Please pay the fee through scanning the Qr code of “三峡大学学生缴费” or go to the Charge Office (Office 208, 2nd floor, Administration Building) according to the notice of your college.


The login name is the student number and the password is 000000. Students can change the password after log in.


Category 3: Senior Students outside the mainland of China


Registration time:September 3-4


Registration Place:online registration

报到要求Registration Requirements:

根据目前的疫情防控形势,不在中国境内的同学,由于旅行限制和入境要求不能入境,须通过学院辅导员进行线上报到注册、线上学习。因为疫情的不确定性,目前无法确定预计允许入境时间。境外学生可以联系所在国家/地区的中国使领馆进行咨询,并且耐心等待学校通知。According to the current situation of epidemic prevention and control, international students who are outside Mainland of China cannot enter China due to travel restrictions and entry requirements. Please contact your college counselor to register online for online learning. Because of the uncertainty of the pandemic, there is no estimated returning time the university can provide. Please consult the Chinese embassy/consulate in your place, and wait for the notice from school patiently.

报到流程Registration Process:


Please follow the notice of the college counselor and register online through WeChat, QQ, email, etc.


Fee Payment:Please pay the fee through scanning the Qr code of “三峡大学学生缴费”with WeChat according to the notice of your college.


The login name is the student number and the password is 000000. Students can change the password after log in.


Registration of Freshman


Category 4: Freshman in Mainland of China


Registration time:September 10


Registration Place: Admission Office, College of International Communications (Office J1515, 5th Floor, Information Technology Center, China Three Gorges University)

报到要求:Registration Requirements:

1.目前所在地区为境内低风险地区,14天内无中高风险地区旅居史,且健康状况正常,凭健康码绿码、绿色行程卡和48小时内核酸检测阴性证明来校报到。Students who have lived in low-risk areas and have no history of residence in high-risk or medium-risk areas in China and has normal health status within 14 days can return to school and register with the green health code, green itinerary card, and a 48-hour negative nucleic acid test certificate.

2.符合以下情况的学生暂缓报到,与学校招生办公室保持联系,且须遵从属地疫情防控政策规定配合健康监测、防疫管理等有关工作。待可报到时,另行通知返校。Students who meet the following conditions will be temporarily suspended from returning to school and keep in touch with the admission office of CTGU. You should comply with the local pandemic prevention and control policies and regulations to cooperate with health monitoring, pandemic prevention management and other related work. You will be notified to return later when the new registration time will be informed.

a.境内中高风险地区或来校途中经停中高风险地区的学生;Students who are in high-risk or medium-risk areas in China or who stop in high-risk or medium-risk areas;

b.本人或共同居住的家庭成员为确诊病例、核酸检测阳性者、疑似病例、密切接触者的(含新生、老生);Students himself/herself or the family member living together is confirmed case, positive nucleic acid test case, suspected case, or close contact case;

c.有发热、咳嗽、乏力、咽痛、腹泻等症状且排除新冠病毒感染的;Students who has a fever, cough, diarrhea or other symptoms but is excluded of new COVID-19 infection;

3.报到所须材料Registration Materials

1)录取通知书Admission Notice

2)外国留学人员来华签证申请表Visa Application for Study in China (JW201/202 form)



5)最高学历证明Originals and notarized highest diploma /degree certificates

6)体检证明Foreigner Physical Examination Form

7)预科结业证明(仅针对中国政府奖学金2020年预科生)Completion Certificate of Preparatory Courses (Only for CSC students who studied in Preparatory Universities in 2020 )

8)转学证明(仅针对从中国其他高校转入我校的新生,正常从其他高校结束学业的除外) Transfer Letter (Only for students who were transferred to CTGU from another university in China. Students who normally completed their studies in another university are excluded)

报到流程Registration Process:

来自低风险地区且无中高风险地区旅居史的学生,须在来校前3天提供预报到材料给学院审核,待学院审核通过后,携带报到所需材料,到招生办公室报到;未经学院批准,学生不得擅自到校。预报到材料具体为:Students from low-risk areas with no travel history in medium-high risk areas should provide the Pres-Registration Checklist materials to the admissions office for review 3 days before arriving to school. After the approval of the school, you can come to the school with the required registration materials. Students are not allowed to come to school without the permission of the college. The Pre-Registration Checklist materials are as follows:

a. 14天健康状况承诺书the 14-day Health Status Commitment letter(附件1)

b.14天健康打卡记录the 14-day Health Status record(附件1)

c.健康码绿码“green code” (health code)

d.绿色行程卡green travel record

e.新冠疫苗完成接种证明proof of completion of COVID-19 vaccination

f.核酸检测阴性结果(到校48小时以内)Acid nucleic test result (within 48 hours before arriving Campus

g.新生入校申请书Application Form for International Freshman Coming to CTGU(附件2)

h.新生入学承诺书Commitment letter of 2021 CTGU international freshman(附件3)



Fee Payment:Before arriving to school, please read the fee instruction in the admission notice and prepare enough money for registration. Students themselves shall bear full responsibilities for the consequences of not registering on time due to the payment. Scholarship Students can authorize the Finance Department of China Three Gorges University to use their scholarship to pay the tuition/accommodation fee/insurance fee or other relevant fees for studying in CTGU.


Category 5: Freshmen outside the mainland of China


Registration time:September 3-30


Registration Place: online registration

报到要求Registration Requirements:

根据目前的疫情防控形势,不在中国境内的同学,由于旅行限制和入境要求不能入境,请联系招生办公室或所在学院辅导员进行线上报到注册、线上学习。因为疫情的不确定性,目前无法确定预计允许入境时间。境外学生可以联系所在国家/地区的中国使领馆进行咨询,并且耐心等待学校通知。According to the current situation of epidemic prevention and control, international students who are outside Mainland of China cannot enter China due to travel restrictions and entry requirements. Please contact the admission office or your college counselor to register online for online learning. Because of the uncertainty of the pandemic, there is no estimated returning time the university can provide. Please consult the Chinese embassy/consulate in your place, and wait for the notice from school patiently.

报到流程Registration Process:

请按照学校招生办公室或学院辅导员老师通知,通过微信、QQ、电子邮件等方式完成线上注册。Please follow the notice of the admission office or the college counselor and register online through WeChat, QQ, email, etc.




Fee Payment:Before registering online, please read the fee instruction in the admission notice and prepare enough money for registration. Students themselves shall bear full responsibilities for the consequences of not registering on time due to the payment. Scholarship Students can authorize the Finance Department of China Three Gorges University to use their scholarship to pay the tuition/accommodation fee/insurance fee or other relevant fees for studying in CTGU.


Pandemic Prevention and Control Requirements

1.请同学们遵守学校交通出入管理要求,有序入校;提倡和鼓励同学们独自来校报到,未经允许的外来人员和外来车辆一律不得入校。Please comply with the school traffic management requirements, orderly enter the school. We encourage students to come to school alone, personnel and vehicles from outside without permission are not allowed to enter the campus.

2.请同学们认真学习学校疫情期间各项管理规定,严格按照学校要求开展日常学习和生活。非必要不离宜,非必要不出校,如需外出要严格履行外出报备请假手续。在校园内,请同学们全程佩带口罩,进出教学楼、食堂、校医院等公共区域,主动配合体温检测,严格控制在校生活轨迹,做到不外出、少走动,不扎堆。Please carefully study the school's regulations during the pandemic, and carry out daily study and life in strict accordance with the school requirements. Stay in Yichang, stay on campus, DO NOT go out of school without authorization. If you need to go out, you must strictly follow the procedures of reporting for leave. In the campus, students are requested to wear masks. When entering and leaving public areas such as teaching buildings, canteen and school hospital, actively cooperate with temperature checking. Strictly control your campus life trajectory, stay in door as much as possible, and do not gather.

3.如出现发热或呼吸道症状,包括头痛、咳嗽、咽痛、呼吸困难、腹泻及身体乏力等,特别是体温超过37.3℃时,应立即向辅导员上报;如有外出就医,需凭借医疗机构痊愈证明方可返校。If students have fever or respiratory symptoms, including headache, cough, sore throat, dyspnea, diarrhea and fatigue, especially when the temperature exceeds 37.3℃, you should report to the college counselor immediately. If you have gone out for medical treatment, you must get medical institution's recovery certificate before returning to school.

4.学生尽可能一站到达学校,减少不必要的中转,来校途中请随身携带足量的口罩、消毒剂等防护用品,全程戴好口罩,做好手卫生,注意人身安全。please try to arrive at CTGU in one stop, reduce unnecessary transfers, and try to avoid passing through high-risk or medium-risk areas. Please take enough masks, disinfectants and other protective equipment on the way to the university. Wear masks, keep hands clean, and pay attention to personal safety.

5.新生入校后,须按照属地出入境管理机构、辖区派出所和学校要求,按时办理个人信息采集、住宿登记、检验检疫、停居留、缴费、购置保险等手续,参加入学教育等活动。After entering the campus, freshmen should go through the procedures such as personal information collection, accommodation registration, inspection and quarantine, stay or residence permit application, payment and insurance purchase, attend orientation and other activities on time in accordance with the requirements of local exit and entry administration authority, local police station and CTGU.

6.因疫情未能及时现场报到的同学,请密切关注学校、学院通知,与招生办公室和学院辅导员保持联系,积极完成在线注册及学习相关事项。International students affected by the pandemic who fail to register on site should pay close attention to further notice of the university, keep in touch with the admission office and the college counselor, actively complete online registration as well as learning matters.

7.请同学们利用学校网站、疫情防控专题栏目、微信、微博、QQ等平台加强学习新型冠状病毒肺炎等传染病防控宣传教育知识,提升个人防护能力,并做到不信谣、不传谣。Please use the school website, special columns on pandemic prevention and control, WeChat, Weibo, QQ and other platforms to learn more about COVID-19 and other infectious disease prevention and control knowledge, improve personal protection ability, and do not believe or spread rumors.




College of International Communications

China Three Gorges University

August 29, 2021

Previous:Guideline for Insurance Claim of International Student Next:Notice on the Selection of International students "Alumni Ambassadors" of China Three Gorges University 2021

Copyright 2014 College of civil engineering and architecture, Three Gorges University Address: No.8, Daxue Road, Yichang City postcode: 443002 Tel: 0717-6392634 Fax: 0717-6392634